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“The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.”

-- Carl Jung

Integrative means I am able to use a variety of techniques in our sessions and focus on what works best for you.  Sometimes working in a transpersonal manner is described as working soul to soul.  What this means to me is recognizing and respecting your unique nature.  It also means that I pay attention to the connection between thoughts, feelings, emotions and things that might have been forgotten or repressed and are held in the body.


How might we explore this connection?  We might work with dreams, creative imagination, role playing or explore feelings through movement, just to name a few methods.


Some of the issues I can help you work through include:






Eating Disorders

General dissatisfaction with life


Self esteem


Serious illness diagnosis


You may feel that there are only one or two issues you want to address.  This might involve setting goals and working towards achieving a particular outcome.  I can work with you to help you find a path to the changes you want to make.

EMDR and Couples Counselling


EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing.  It is an effective therapy for trauma, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety and panic attacks to name a few.   


It works using rapid eye movement, similar to what happens in REM sleep.  These eye movements help the brain process traumatic memories, which are stuck, unintegrated memories.  EMDR facilitates the processing of these memories so that they integrate with other memories, allowing learning, a change of perspective and de-activating triggers.


Couples counselling is often short-term work.  Usually couples can find a way forward in as little as eight sessions.


There may be many reasons for seeking counselling as a couple, from wishing to improve communication between you to desiring to re-establish lost trust, love and affection.


While it is important that both partners be committed to the process, sometimes there is a “mixed agenda.”  In this case, couples may find it beneficial to have a session or two of a process known as “discernment counselling.”  By engaging in discernment counselling, couples can determine whether or not couples counselling is the way forward for them.


Taking the first step can be a daunting decision but once there is a commitment to change, the process gathers its own momentum and can be very rewarding.



Fees:  £65 -- £80


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